MMG Capital Private Member Association
Member Resources
This page is continually growing. Check back frequently for updates.
Please note that in addition to our wealth of proprietary resources, we also have
an impressive collection of alliances and references to third party services
which specialize in providing solutions which are excellent alternatives to the 'status quo' and fit perfectly into our mission. Of course they are independent and have their own fee structures. Those will be noted where appropriate. Keep in mind that this PMA is solely for the educational benefits and introductions to key opportunities and services, each one having its own parameters and requirements. Consider this as a launching pad to your financial future! We do not offer financial services or legal advice.

Warning!! Never send funds or crypto to any instructions received by email unless or until you verify the details with the sender of the email in a live communication i.e. phone/zoom/WhatsApp etc. . We've had several instances of hackers sending 'spoof' emails appearing to be from a trusted source with instructions and the funds sent are lost forever.

Educational Resources
MMG Vimeo Video Library. https://vimeo.com/mmgfinance
The Private International Business Trust (PIBT) aka Contract Business Organization (CBO) PowerPoint presentation. The images load slow from DropBox so it's best to download and view from your computer.
- Video
- Tax Free - How the Super Rich Do It: 324 page research and instruction manual on the CBO. This is the 'Bible on Financial Privacy & Protection'. We recommend that you bring the digital version to a copy shop, have them print double sided copies and bind it. Throw it on your coffee table to have available to pick it up and nibble away at it, little by little. It's easy reading and best taken in small bites.
The Elehphant Gun - One Shot IRS Killer - Download
Why Bankers Fear Bitcoin - Download
The US is Broke and What That Means - Download
The End of Property Rights - Download
Are Sidehustles Now Illegal? - Download
Assault of the NanoBots - Download
How and When Government May Sieze Your Bitcoin - Download
The Restaurant Rescue Plan - Download
Top Secret Bankers Manual: Super CPA Tom Schauf exposes the fraud of the banking industry and what to do about it - Download

The following webinars contain critical information and form the basis of knowledge on a variety of important topics. Some will require nominal subscription fees to support the costs of the delivery platforms being used.

Benefits Overview
You may have seen this presentation in our 'Blueprint' series of emails. This is a good general overview with some specifics on what you can expect.
Trading Opportunities

The Trading Master
Trading Platform
This video is an Introductory Interview with one of the principals of The Trading Master, the broker which hosts the Fully Managed Funded (FMF) program and another Copy Trading program. Details on FMF trading statistics can be found in the Benefits Overview video above. Before setting up an account contact Mark for important details you will need to proceed at info@mmgpma.com.

Arbitrage Trading
We started using this trader in January 2025 upon recommendation from trusted associates and so far he's performed better than advertised. This seems to be rock solid consistent profits which enables us to set a solid baseline in investment planning. We've coupled this with IMPACT INVESTING which you can learn more about by downloading our PDF in the button below.

Tapping Into an IRA
We have perfected a way to tap into IRA funds without tax or penalty. In doing so the IRA grows more rapidly AND there is free cash that can be invested and use apart from the IRA for other purposes. This strategy is a real winner!

Multiple Streams of Cash Flow
Economic and Financial survivability are greatly enhanced when you have multiple streams of cash flow floating your boat! In this world things can change in an instant and you never know when you'll be hit with unpleasant surprises. Below are several vetted options that will work for you if you apply yourself.
Build an Independent Business
MMG Capital Consultant
As an MMG Capital Consultant you will build a book of business that will create multiple streams of monthly residual cash flow from various profit streams. Only a few key clients can set you up for life.
Learn more (video coming soon)
LivePure Coffee and Health Products
How many people do you know who drink coffee? How many of them are on prescriptions, need to lose weight, need better health? How many churches, nonprofits, mission groups need more funds to meet their fundraising goals? This is a no brainer. Think about having customers that every time they take a sip of your 'feel good' coffee with extra health benefits you have income! Check out my site here. Use the 'meeting link' bottom of home page to meet and talk.

Alt Banking
In the age of crisis when banks are tetering on collapse from liquidity problems the safest thing to do is to get your money 'out' of banks, which are legal 'agents for the government' by law. (See 12 USC section 90). Alternatives for money management are necessary. Below are a few of the better options we can recommend.
Tyga Pay
Cointradingco cannot trade in these states: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Connecticut, Hawaii, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont or Washington. That's 17 states, so they're still trading in the other 33 states and can also trade with residents of other countries.


IRS Issues
IRS Freedom Course

Quick Question
Live Weekly Support & Training
Strategic Consultation
Send an email to info@mmgpma.com
90 minute live sessions every Wednesday 7:00 PM CST
Fireside Chats - $39/mo.
Up to two 1 hour sessions with Mark for strategic consulting $150 pre-paid. Click here to schedule.