Private Investing
Civilization is the progress toward a society of privacy. The savage's whole existence is public, ruled by the laws of his tribe. Civilization is the process of setting man free from men.

Your Business is Nobody Else's Business
Imagine being able to invest privately where significant, tax-free profits accrue to a private business trust and your KYC information is nowhere to be found in the public realm! No forms to file, no reports made, no tax numbers involved, no false admissions and confessions to submit to. Remember: There is no freedom without privacy!

'No Duty to the State' - US Supreme Court
“The individual may stand upon his constitutional rights as a citizen. He is entitled to carry on his private business in his own way. His power to contract is unlimited. He owes no duty to the State or to his neighbors to divulge his business, or to open his doors to an investigation, so far as it may tend to criminate him. He owes no such duty to the State, since he receives nothing therefrom, beyond the protection of his life and property. His rights are such as existed by the law of the land long antecedent to the organization of the State, and can only be taken from him by due process of law, and in accordance with the Constitution. Among his rights are a refusal to incriminate himself, and the immunity of himself and his property from arrest or seizure except under a warrant of the law. He owes nothing to the public so long as he does not trespass upon their rights.” [Hale v. Henkel, 201 U.S. 43, 74 (1906)]