The MMG Agent Opportunity

A Unique Opportunity for Residual Cash Flow
Recent Data from Fidelity shows that as of Q4 2023 the average IRA balance was over $116,000. Many IRAs are much larger. And most of them are in danger of market crash.
We have the ability to convert an IRA to a Self Directed IRA (SDIRA) whereby the owner could invest any portion of their IRA as they like and put it to a higher, more productive use, as in our Fully Funded Managed (FFM) trading program or other unique offers we have access to.
Equally important is the fact that savvy investors who are paying any attention at all know that they need to get their money out of the banks and traditional markets and do something different. Billions in cash and cash equivalents are looking for new homes! We provide the alternative they should be looking for. You can provide the map.
As an agent you earn 'one off' fees per referral for :
the PMA
Trust set up
Fully Funded Trading program
Arbitrage Trading program
It gets more interesting when we start talking about 'residual monthly income when your clients participate in any of the ongoing financial enhancement programs.
Our business is NOT one of mass marketing. It only requires a few solid clients from your referrals to make a BIG difference in your monthly cash flow and it's usually residual month after month!

This video presentation lays it all out

Let’s Work Together
Get in touch so we can start building your residual passive income.
Let's meet on zoom. Set a time on my Calendly app.