This is the beginning of a new series.
New episodes will be added weekly so check back often
Escaping The Economic Reset
You have a choice: Be a victim of the Globalists (WEF) so called 'Economic Reset' which will set you up to 'Own nothing and be happy',
Be a beneficiary of the prophesied 'Great Wealth Transfer' as a Kingdom Builder.
This series sets forth to help provide guidance on both the financial/economic tools you need as well as the spiritual guidance needed to fight the battles on both fronts.
What'll it be? Thriving amidst the chaos? Or Economic ruin?
The choice is yours!

Special Message
The Great Wealth Transfer
This is NOT the Globalists Economic Reset.
This is NOT the wealth transfer from the Baby Boomers to the next generation. This is prophesy in action and it's beginning to happen. Will you be a beneficiary? It's not for everyone. Watch and see what it takes!

Session #4
IB Cash Flow
As an Introducing Broker there is more passive cash flow available to you as a referral agent. In this session we cover the different profit centers available to MMG Capital IBs and consultants and how that translates to passive monthly cash flow. Using these resources we discuss how to create a 12 month retirement plan starting with nothing!
Don't miss!

Session #5
Primer on Trusts
In this session we examined the difference between a public trust and a private trust and everything in between. This is a good introduction to the topic of trusts, the different types and why the Private International Business Trust aka Contractual Business Organization is so powerful. This one is a 'keeper' for those who might just have gotten onto the trail and an important review for everyone else.

Session #7
Be Your Own Bank - Part I
It's time to jump ship from the traditional banking industry for so many reasons. There is a better alternative. Pay attention and act now or...well...Good Luck!
With respect to your time, we've separated the Q & A session which was very good with some sharp questions, and you can access that here.

Session #8
Be Your Own Bank - Part II
The 702s Plan:
A powerful strategy to help you build tax free wealth for a lifetime. Learn to accumulate wealth tax free, liquid, clone it and have the same $ bringing in two streams of growth.
Visit Williams' website: Read More Here

Session #9
Turbocharge Your IRA
Many IRAs are invested in mutual funds. The 20 year average growth rate for mutual funds is barely over 4%. You're losing out to inflation at that rate. It's time to get creative and 2x of 3x your growth rate while at the same time spinning off tax free, penalty free cash to use for other purposes (as in the above). This is a critical presentation, and it's short.
For a second look to add to that concept check this video. It's only 10 minutes and it's titled TAPPING YOUR IRA.

Got Questions?
There is certainly more than enough to talk about on this page. If you are seriously considering any of the above strategies or options, we should talk. Let's get to know each other, identify your goals and circumstances and create a custom strategy suited specifically for you.
Got a quick question? You can email us at info@mmgpma.com
Schedule a zoom call (preferable) by clicking on the image to the right.

Session #12
Dealing in finance in the publicly monitored world that we live in requires you lay the most sensitive parts of your life on the table for inspection, review and full exposure. This is dangerous. In this presentation we lay out some key concepts in wealth building, financial planning and how to do it privately in a way that your most sensitive data is protected. This is an important discussion.